Emotional Intelligence Books

A question I’m often asked:

“Caitlin - What did you do to incorporate emotional intelligence into your homeschooling?”

I know if 2019-Caitlin had asked that question, she would have been looking for a step-by-step guide or curriculum. 📚

I’ve learned that while that might exist, it sort of defeats the purpose. 🤷🏼‍♀️

It’s been a journey since the beginning of motherhood, discovering ideas like gentle parenting from a trusted friend, and people like Karyn Purvis, who co-wrote “The Connected Child.”

I’ve learned more and more about how the brain works, thanks to books like “The Whole Brain Child” by Daniel Siegel. 🧠

I’ve gathered tips from Adele Faber that are helpful in honoring each other when there’s a disagreement.

I’ve been spending a lot if time rewiring my brain to connect and be a guide rather than “do as we’ve always done” and act more like a dictator. 🥾

We’ve been spending time naming emotions and practicing listening without judgement before talking about a situation or “fixing” things.

My youngest is the most receptive right now…we physically touch where each other’s hearts 💗 are when we’re upset, take deep breaths and regulate together, which is something I learned from Dr. Nicole LePera (@the.holistic.psychologist on Instagram).

There’s not a one-size-fits-all approach.

It’s intentional learning, unlearning, taking action, or maybe even inaction in sometimes.

Slow, deep breaths are scientifically proven to help regulate the human body. ☝🏻

It’s deciding the familial patterns that didn’t serve you don’t have to continue. 🙅🏼‍♀️

It’s not being scared to sit with your feelings and actually FEEL them. 🙏🏻

It’s being willing to ask hard questions.

It’s growing an empathy muscle (@brenebrown is a resource for learning more about this).

It’s learning to be in tune with ourselves so we can show up well for others.

If emotional intelligence is something you desire for your family and need a place to start, grab one of the books I mentioned.

Let it lead you to the next thing.

Time spent building a high EQ is never wasted.

💛 Caitlin

PS: All of the knowledge in these books will be merely a bandaid if you don’t understand + receive the fullness of the gospel.

If you’re a Christian and you’re exhausted from bearing the weight of life, and you’re just trying to figure it all out, I invite you to download my free 7-Day Devotional + go through it before you dive in to any of these books.


On Counseling
