Feeling Crushed by Motherhood?

Do you feel like the weight of motherhood is crushing? Does the thought, “It’s all on me,” play like a broken record in your mind?

I have good news for you.

Your Heavenly Father has divinely appointed you as mother over your children, but with that appointment comes divine aid. (HALLELUJAH!! )

If you’re feeling crushed by motherhood today, here’s your permission slip to leave the laundry and pull a “Mary.”

Mary sat at Jesus’ feet.
She soaked in all His words.
She marveled at Him.
She didn’t speak, but was still and listened.

“Be still and know that I am God.” {Psalm 46:10}
“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God who gives generously to all without reproach and it will be given him.” {James 1:5-6}

You’ve got this, mama.
Because He’s got you.

💛 Mama Hooper

PS: If you’re thinking, “But, you don’t know what I’ve done. I can’t go to God!” Mama, those very things — the baggage you think is too heavy — is exactly what qualifies you to sit in His presence. Meet with Him. Let His grace wash over you. Let Him love you. His love is what transforms the hopeless of cases into magnificent works of art. Beauty from ashes — it’s His MO.


“Do Not Worry”


Dear New Homeschooling Mom…