Error Correction

After my last blog post, a trusted friend point out a theological error I made of calling Christians “sinners”…

Words matter to me, and so does truth, so I want to apologize for the incorrect usage.

When we are made new in Christ, we are no longer called “sinners,” but rather “saints.”

It’s paradoxical because, yes, we still sin.

But, it’s no longer an identity marker.

(To learn more about this, check out this interview with John Piper.)

Knowing our true identity is quite valuable information, don’t you think?

It changes things, doesn’t it?

I hope my intent came across, even with the error in verbiage…

That the church is healthiest when its members know their identity and live surrendered to Christ.

If you’re a sinner married to a sinner, upgrading your spouse to another sinner isn’t going to upgrade your marriage.

If you’re a saint married to a saint, upgrading your spouse to another saint who sins isn’t going to upgrade your marriage.

If you want a sustainable upgrade to your marriage, it starts with putting first things first.

(See the 1st of the 10 Commandments in Exodus 20)

This means, laying down your right to yourself — repent.

Decide that pursuing your Creator with an undivided heart is what you want more than anything else and then pursue, pursue, pursue.

Let Him do the heavy lifting of changing hearts — yours and your spouses!

Put your HOPE in Christ.


A Fervent Pursuit - What to Expect


Marriage Upgrade