You know the movie where two people at odds find themselves in a difficult situation together and eventually their hearts become soft toward each other right?

  • Emperor Kuzco + Pacha

  • Anastasia + Dmitri

  • Tiana + Prince Naveen

  • Hallie Parker + Annie James

I’m sure you can think of others…

But, let’s consider why.

They started out as enemies.

What changed by the end of the story?

How did they go from enemies to friends?

I’m arguing it is these 2 things:

1. Common goal

2. Built trust through difficult situations

Stick with me…

Some say they know + love Jesus, but they only know OF Jesus in their heads.

  • They believe what they hear from others

  • They have read the stories

  • But, they don’t have that softness + richness toward Him

It would be like Kuzco saying before he actually met Pacha, “Yeah. I know that peasant…he’s the one living where my new water park is going to be!”

Then, there are some who not only SAY they know + love Jesus, but ACTUALLY DO!

What makes them different?

  • They have a common goal with Jesus.

  • They have gone through difficult situations (trials) where trust has been built and faith has been exercised.

  • (See James 1:2-3)

Listen, I cannot give a concise answer as to why God allows bad/hard things to happen, but what I CAN say for CERTAINTY is…

Whatever hard thing you’re facing…

He wants to walk that road WITH you.

He’s asking you to lean in and TRUST Him.

His goal isn’t that you would be freed from hard things, but rather that you would be restored to rich relationship with Him — the way He intended + designed for you to be.

When we let go of the goal of a painless life and align ourselves with His heart, there begins to birth an unexplainable newness of joy + peace in His presence.

If you’re an enemy of God, or maybe just don’t feel all that close with Him, I pray you meet Him in the difficult things you’re facing today.

He’s there already.

He wants to be known by you deeper than water cooler talk.

He already knows YOU, inside and out — He made you!!

Talk to Him.

Be honest — He can handle it.

You are known + loved.

💛 Caitlin

“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭16‬:‭11‬ ‭




On Mom-Guilt